Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kindergarten Sculptures!

Last semester I had some extra "fun" money that I needed to spend by October.  I was looking at some fun supplies that weren't really necessity items.  In the magazine I purchased from, these fun styrofoam-like things are called Stick-Its.  I wasn't quite sure what to make with them or which grade I would use them with.  I bought 2 boxes and each box had like 450 pieces.  I came across a blog post just a few weeks ago where these Stick-Its were used in Kindergarten.  I loved the idea and decided to use it.  I apologize because I can't for the life of me remember where I saw the blog post, but I do have it listed somewhere at school in a pile somewhere. 
I brought the Stick-Its out yesterday for my Kindergarten class and it went well!  The kids had SO much fun!  I used 1 box and had a class of 16.  I will be using the other box tomorrow with my other Kindergarten class but was excited with the results so I wanted to share.

The Stick-Its magically stick together with water and there is no mess! 

The lesson I saw used the idea of playground for the sculpture.  My students and I discussed different things we would play on during recess or at the park.
Using sponges as a "trampoline", students jump the pieces on the sponge 3 times and hold them together for 3 seconds.  Easy!  I had a container of random foam stickers that were animals and little people, so each student got to pick one from the container to play on their playground.

The results for Kindergarten were surprisingly awesome!  I had my camera out and we had a few minutes to spare, so I took a picture with each student holding their sculpture.  They enjoyed this and I got to capture the results for this project that I deemed a make and take.  They were so proud of their work and were excited to take them home right away.  What fun!

Here are some of my Kindergarten Cuties :)


  1. cute, love it! Requisitions were already due for us, but I'll have to write down stick-its for the year after!

  2. I have never heard of stick-its! I must have them! The results are so adorable!!

  3. these look so fun! i need to get me some of those!
